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How Long: 30 CE Hours + 4 Bonus Hours (2 month subscription, renews if not canceld)
When: Anytime. Evergreen Video Content + Live Tutorials (Fridays, 4pm ET)
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What: Overview of Ethical Theory from Around the World, which Distinguishes Yoga as a Unique Option
Western tradition
Chinese Tradition
11. Confucius
12. Lao Tzu
Indian Tradition
13. Early Vedas
14. Sāṅkhya
15. Jainism
16. Early Buddhism
17. Yoga: Basic Theory~~~Vedas and Upaniṣads
18. Later Buddhism: Nāgārjuna
19. Pūrva Mīmāṃsā
20. Yoga Sūtra: Four Book Overview
21. Moral and Political Theory of Patañjali
22. Bhagavad Gītā: Four Ethical Theories
23. How to Read and Understand Philosophy
24. Yoga and Ethics