Yoga and Translation

Course details

How Long: 20 CE Hours + 4 Bonus Hours (2 month subscription, renews if not canceld)

When: Anytime. Evergreen Video Content + Live Tutorials (Thursdays, 5 pm ET)

What: An this essential course, Dr. Ranganathan, professional philosopher, translation theorist, and translator of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra (Penguin 2008) shares is decades of research. Students learn how to and how to not translate any text.


Western Philosophy and Translation Studies

  1. Translation and the  Yoga Sūtra (Introduction)
  2. Analytic Views on Translation Part 1: Early Wittgenstein, Logical Positivists, Carnap
  3. Analytic Views on Translation Part 2:  Latter Wittgenstein, Quine, the Death of Positivism and Weird Things Yoga Studies People Say
  4. Continental Views on Translation Part 1: Husserl, Heidegger 
  5. Continental Views on Translation Part 2: Derrida, Foucault 
  6. Functionalism: Firth, Nida, Bassnett

Text Type Semantics (Yoga Based Translation Theory)

7. Three Approaches to Equivalence and a Fourth

8. Text Type Semantics and Translation: Procedure for Translation

Dharma and the Yoga Sūtra 

9. Dharmamegasamadhi


10. How to Read and Understand Philosophy

11. Yoga Ethics 


    • Students of Yoga who want to cut out intermediaries and tread and translate the Yoga Sūtra themselves. 
    • Yoga practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of yoga philosophy.
    • Anyone interested in appreciating the nuances of translating a deep text such as the Yoga Sūtra
yoga and translation