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How Long: 30 CE Hours + 1 hour private session (Life Access to Evergree Content), 4 week intensive
When: Evergreen Video Content + Bespoke scheduling (once a week for four weeks) + bonus 1 hour private session valued at $200
What: Deep dive into the Yoga Sūtra to set students up for life long learning.
Week 1.1 Introduction to Yoga
Week 1.2 Introduction to Philosophy
Week 1.3 Reading Texts, Yoga, the West and Religion
Week 2.1 Yoga in the Indian Tradition
Week 2.2 Contrasting Approaches to Meditation
Week 2.3 Yoga Sutra Book 1 Samādhi-pāda
Week 3.1 Yoga Sūtra Book 2: Sādhana-pāda
Week 3.2 Three Essential Practices and Choosing Our Own Ideals
Week 3.3 Vyāsa, Patañjali, Interpretation and Non-sense Academia
Week 4.1 Yoga Sūtra Book III (Vibhūti-pāda), Power and Health
Week 4.2 Yoga Sūtra Book III (Vibhūti-pāda) — to Book IV
Week 4.3 Yoga Sūtra Book IV (Kaivalya-pāda), Standing on Pure Knowing
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