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Level 1 and Level 2 Yoga Philosophy 100 Hour Certification Graduates 


Level 1

To be part of this list, students complete the  Level 1, 100 Hours of Yoga Philosophy Training, spanning the European, Chinese and Indian traditions --- with a focus on Yoga as a basic philosophical option. To graduate students must either pass an oral examination or submit a successful paper demonstrating their knowledge of the material.  Finally, to stay on this list, graduates must reflect the values of Yoga, especially as set out in the Yamas and Niyamas. Dr. Shyam Ranganathan, having taught and examined each graduate, is excited to recommend these teachers and practitioners as competent to speak and share their knowledge about Yoga Philosophy in the context of various modalities of yoga practice.  

Dr. Alexandre Barchechat (Fall 2021)

Philippe Alexis (Fall 2021)

Mandi King (Winter 2022)

Alena Goldstein (Winter 2022)

Sarah Di Ganci (Winter 2022)

Lauren Mulvihill (Winter 2022)

Evelyn Jordan (Winter 2022)

Mindy Levine (Summer 2024)

Casey Jones (Winter 2024)

Level 2

To be part of this list, students have to successfully graduate from the Level 1 training and complete the Level 2, 100 Hours of Yoga Philosophy Training. This second level focuses on scholarly questions necessary to take one's own learning about Yoga in to one's own hands. Courses include: Yoga and Logic, Yoga and Translation, Introduction to Sanskrit, and a 4 Week Intensive study of the Yoga Sūtra

To graduate students must submit a successful paper demonstrating their knowledge of the material.  Finally, to stay on this list, graduates must reflect the values of Yoga, especially as set out in the Yamas and Niyamas. Dr. Shyam Ranganathan, having taught and examined each graduate, is excited to recommend these teachers and practitioners as advanced students of Yoga who  can and should share their knowledge about Yoga Philosophy in the context of various modalities of yoga practice.  

Mandi King (Spring 2024)

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